Event Key Header Details

The sample here is for a Network Incident - other Event Records under a different Primary Source Classification will show different banner colour.  The actual Primary Source is shown in the top right of the Details / Location tab area.

Incident Header Information

Incident Ref No - IRN Reference - This number allocation is automatic by HighStone, with each new entry being given the next available number in the series.  The numbering is run across all Events Records, hence the Incidents, Customer Enquiry and Post Log entries are numbered under the same sequence.

Note: Under some circumstances a number in the sequence may be skipped / missed out.  This happens if a User starts to raise a New Record - when the new IRN Number is allocated - but then Quits the process without saving the new record details.  If another User has raised a further Record during this process, the first allocated IRN Number will be left unused on the system.  This is normal operation.

Date Logged - This field is always the Date / Time the Record was first entered in to HighStone.  This entry is set automatically and cannot be altered by the User.  This Date / Time is not the same as the Effective Date Started or Event Date which is stored separately and refers to the actual start Date / Time of the Event.

Entered By - This field is also set automatically by HighStone and records the name of the User who first entered the Event Record.

Type of Event - This is the Event Record Classification that defined the type of Event Record being entered.  The entry is given by a prompt list that is determined by the Primary Source.  [HighStone Lookup Table - ltbEventClass]

Current Status - Shows the current Status of the Event Record (Raised, Completed etc.)

Event Description - A text caption entered by the User to give a basic description of the Incident.

Primary Source - (top right of the Details / Location tab area ) The Source Classification for the record: Incident, Customer Enquiry, Post Log.

Classification - (top right of the Details / Location tab area ) Top level record Classification.  This is also shown as Classification on the Add Incident panel.  [HighStone Lookup Table - ltbEventType].